YuShY FoO: among her things..
sea turtle: Elevator Boys
love's decibel: Bug's eye view
Tommy6unz: Worm hole
sea turtle: Layers of Reflection
bousinka: Junkyard reflection (focus #1)
bousinka: Junkyard reflection (focus #2)
Osvaldo_Zoom: My Dirty Mirror & TV
sea turtle: Mirror Shot
ce matin, un lapin: beware the jubjub bird
sea turtle: There's Something In His Eye
bousinka: Queen City Bike & Dine 2010
ken.lihoiting: IMG_00172
love's decibel: Ikea mirrors
@fotodudenz: My distorted view of the world
love's decibel: Hair fetish
bousinka: Reflection shot in Vac, Hungary
bousinka: Reflection shot in Vac, Hungary