u2luv2u: Felted Ice Cream Tape Measure
u2luv2u: Felted Ice Cream Tape Measure
wuzzi fuzzi: Sweater Cupcake
wuzzi fuzzi: Sweater Cupcakes
LassoTheMoon: Puppet
LassoTheMoon: Puppy puppet
LassoTheMoon: Felted sweater pincushion
LassoTheMoon: Stitch
LassoTheMoon: Puppet - progress
Chasing him: Soft and Cuddly Easter
shebrews: cupcake pincushion
nordyg1: Sweater Blanket - Pink, purple, and green
valerina15: Upcycled cashmere baby blanket
valerina15: Upcycled cashmere baby blanket
Puppy Dog Tails2: ornaments
lalitaliving: sakuramittens
LilyWhitesParty: 101/365 - Felted wool cupcakes, 100% calorie-free!
LilyWhitesParty: 96/365 - Wreath Ornaments
Curly Girl Krause: Cuppycake ornaments in process
LilyWhitesParty: 77/365 - Rose Wreath (inspired by Betz White) made from felted old wool sweaters
Gail Made: Cupcakes
roses&pearls: Homemade mittens
iluvdandelions: Halloween Cupcake Sent
rhue38: weds sept 23 2009
Jennie C.: Cupcake Pincushion
creatingtreasures: A basket full of Cupcakes