lacerslife: car dress armhole
lacerslife: car dress
louiz_hutchings: clothkits washbag3
louiz_hutchings: clothkits washbag1
louiz_hutchings: clothkits washbag2
louiz_hutchings: clothkits 10.08.07 2
louiz_hutchings: clothkits 10.08.07 back
louiz_hutchings: Clothkits 10.08.07
justmejay: Clothkits Rob Ryan 'Hold Me' skirt
florriebassingbourn: Black Saturday
Berry_Crafter: Clothkits Birdie bag and purse
florriebassingbourn: A for Pomme
The List Writer: New outfit for Bob, one of the Clothkits dolls
The List Writer: Bob's funky new hat
BabyFury: P1020908
BabyFury: P1020910
Soozy: Clothkits meadow pinny - front
Soozy: Clothkits meadow pinny - back
The List Writer: Bob and Livvy
The List Writer: Meet Bob - the new Clothkits doll
The List Writer: Bob wearing dungarees over his running kit
acechick: Pattern
louiz_hutchings: clothkitspink