Lux Ferous: Neotibicen linnei
Lux Ferous: Genus Bombus
Lux Ferous: Vespula vulgaris
toldy.attila: Hatter
toldy.attila: My Hubertus
Lux Ferous: Anthidium
Willem_Zijlstra: Juffer
toldy.attila: Cowset suncow
toldy.attila: Spider's home island
toldy.attila: Myrafälle miracle
Lux Ferous: Convallaria majalis
Lux Ferous: Early Morning Visitor
Willem_Zijlstra: Roos in de knop
Willem_Zijlstra: Ooievaarsbek 'Ingwersen's Variety' Geranium macrorrhizum
Lens and Shutter: The wooden pathway around the Plitvicer Lake National park in Croatia
Willem_Zijlstra: Natte pimpelmees
Lens and Shutter: The wooden pathway around the Plitvicer Lake National park in Croatia
toldy.attila: The eight eyed eight legged
toldy.attila: On the operating table
toldy.attila: Red eye