nomadsnature: Guardian
nomadsnature: Brackets
nomadsnature: Curved
nomadsnature: Hide-n-seek
nomadsnature: Nomads-502.jpg
nomadsnature: Sunning
nomadsnature: Depart
nomadsnature: Roodeplaat Dam: Part 2
nomadsnature: Roodeplaat Dam: Part 1
Knud Hald: Grey go-away-bird (Corythaixoides concolor), Grey lourie in Pilanesberg, South Africa
Bradclin Photography: Rock Kestrel
Bradclin Photography: Jumping over the stream
Bradclin Photography: Still Preening
Bradclin Photography: Flowers Galore
Bradclin Photography: Happy Lizard
Bradclin Photography: Pink and White
Bradclin Photography: Pink with a spot of orange
nomadsnature: Sadness
nomadsnature: Longing
nomadsnature: Broadside
Bradclin Photography: Flower eating bird