Rundstedt B. Rovillos: Eucalyptus Weevil
red.wolf: Leaf-curling spider (Phonognatha graeffei)
Steve & Alison1: Black fire opal NEMO moth Nemophora sp Adelidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1033845
Steve & Alison1: Black and Red Bug Delacampius sp. aff. pyrrhocorides Physopeltinae Largidae Hemiptera Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1033747
Steve & Alison1: Lichen patch moth Blenina sp aff lichenopa Chloephorinae Nolidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1033770
Steve & Alison1: Lichen patch moth Blenina sp aff lichenopa Chloephorinae Nolidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1033777
Steve & Alison1: Beige Squirrel chasing white ball moth Labdia sp Cosmopterigidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1033784
WinRuWorld: Passionate Plecia
Henry Aldridge: 20240416 - 03 Unknown insect egg case circa 6mm wide. Ku-ring-gai Australia.
Henry Aldridge: 20240416 - 25 A Tortoise-shelled Ladybird circa 9mm, Harmonia testudinaria. Coccinellidae Coleoptera. Ku-ring-gai Australia.
Henry Aldridge: 20240416 - 02 A pointy Flatid nymph of the tribe Nephesini Distant, circa 8mm meets computer match. Fulgoroidea Auchenorrhyncha Hemiptera. Ku-ring-gai Australia.
Steve & Alison1: Port wine Bombycoidea‎ bomber Anthelid Moth Anthela sp aff acuta Anthelidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1033698
Steve & Alison1: Port wine Bombycoidea‎ bomber Anthelid Moth Anthela sp aff acuta Anthelidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1033719
Steve & Alison1: BOMBED OUT AND PLAYING DEAD P1033709
Steve & Alison1: Port wine Bombycoidea‎ bomber Anthelid Moth Anthela sp aff acuta Anthelidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1033699
Steve & Alison1: Port wine Bombycoidea‎ bomber Anthelid Moth Anthela sp aff acuta Anthelidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1033720
romangaidier: A jumping spider with red eyebrows (Opisthoncus polyphemus)
carla4646: Never knew I liked flies so much!
romangaidier: Trashline orbweaver spider, possibly Cyclosa insulana
romangaidier: Trashline orbweaver spider, possibly Cyclosa insulana
carla4646: Walking on stilts!
romangaidier: She-Oak moth caterpillar (Pernattia pusilla)
Henry Aldridge: 20240416 - 22 A tiny wasp circa 1mm, likely Telenomus sp. descending the filament of a Green Lacewing egg. Note how the filaments affect the leaf. Scelionidae Hymenoptera. Chrysopidae Neuroptera. Ku-ring-gai Australia.
Henry Aldridge: 20240416 - 20 A tiny female wasp circa 1mm, likely Teleomus sp. inserting its egg into that of a Green Lacewing. Scelionidae Hymenoptera. Chrysopidae Neuroptera. Ku-ring-gai Australia.
Henry Aldridge: 20240416 - 18 A tiny wasp circa 1mm, likely Telenomus sp. climbing filament of Green Lacewing egg. Scelionidae Hymenoptera, Chrysopidae Neuroptera. Ku-ring-gai Australia.
Henry Aldridge: 20201113 - 06 An uncommon Assassin Bug adult circa 12mm. Reduviidae Heteroptera Hemiptera. Ku-ring-gai Australia.
carla4646: I think somebody wants out!
carla4646: Picture perfect!
R. Francis: Tiger beetle
R. Francis: Ground beetle