Rocks68: Brinquedo Português
Rocks68: Brinquedo Português
Rocks68: Boneca Hércules.
Rocks68: Galetti Itália
Rocks68: Baby mocosete. Toyse, Espanha.
Patrizia.dolls: Perfume Pretty Whitney
*Pueppilottchen*: Gregor-Hannes
mymy1224: Shirley Temple Ideal doll
*Pueppilottchen*: Sasha and Gregor
*Pueppilottchen*: Hello Heidi
mymy1224: Antique vintage dolls
mymy1224: Antique vintage dolls
mymy1224: Bonomi vintage Italian doll
mymy1224: Bonomi vintage Italian doll
*Pueppilottchen*: Sasha-Manja
Rocks68: Muñecas Famosa, anos 60 e 70
*Pueppilottchen*: Little Lars and the lovely...
Rocks68: Metti, Sebino, Itália. 1972
*Pueppilottchen*: Suitcase finished
*Pueppilottchen*: Another little easter set-up...
Hitty_Delight: ginnette-yellow
*Pueppilottchen*: Happy Easter dear flickr friends
*Pueppilottchen*: Another sweet group shot
*Pueppilottchen*: Girlies <3
*Pueppilottchen*: Another sweet group shot
Rocks68: Casal Ibérico