antonychammond: Top Glass
sbox: Imperfection
mapecard: Doces marroquinos.
antonychammond: Picnic at the Sydney Amateur Yacht Clubhouse
fotomie2009 #NoWar: Autunno in tavola
g.roscigno: Rome: "hunting for diners" - P4219599gr
Terry Pellmar: Coque-Cafe
Ashley1954: Thank you....
M. Piñeiro: En la pescadería
antonychammond: Barili di Vino a I Bonsi
g.roscigno: Merano (Italy): Christmas/New Year stalls with local cured meats and delights - IMG_4907
g.roscigno: "Lemonrose !?" - P1010229
antonychammond: The Long and the Short of It....
Günter Mengedoth: Natürliche Köstlichkeit
Günter Mengedoth: Reiche Ernte
ctofcsco: Evora Lemon Trees
ctofcsco: Cherry Cream Pie
Terry Pellmar: Mirror in the Kitchen
fotomie2009 #NoWar: Arredi d'altri tempi
Art digital by SØS: Please enjoy....
Art digital by SØS: Like Sunshine
M. Piñeiro: Calle de Périgueux 2 (Francia)
ctofcsco: Red October Pie in November
ctofcsco: Strawberries And Chocolate
fotomie2009 #NoWar: Tavola imbandita
g.roscigno: Madrid: ......."a tapas, a cana y a café" !!!
g.roscigno: Madrid: "Viva la Vida !"
.^.Blanksy: India series