Flávio AF Mendonça: Crimson-speckled Flunkey Utetheisa pulchella
Jbouc: Ecrin de verdure
KeenEye88: Relics of Bela
Flávio AF Mendonça: Argiope lobata
Flávio AF Mendonça: Red-veined darter
Flávio AF Mendonça: Mediterranean mantis
Flávio AF Mendonça: Towards the end
Flávio AF Mendonça: The bug who wears a net
Flávio AF Mendonça: Green Lacewings "Chrysopini"
Flávio AF Mendonça: Back-lit spider
Flávio AF Mendonça: Elongated Bean Weevil "Lixus pulverulentus"
Flávio AF Mendonça: Surf lesson 001
Flávio AF Mendonça: Paddle class
Flávio AF Mendonça: Who let the dog out?
Flávio AF Mendonça: Strangled by TheVine
Flávio AF Mendonça: Crab Spider "Thomisus onustus" Aranha-florícola-de-tubérculos
Flávio AF Mendonça: Mining Bee Genus Andrena
Flávio AF Mendonça: Early morning
Flávio AF Mendonça: Theba pisana
roland947: Thinking
roland947: Julia
pollydrake75: Wheat Field
roland947: The Pianist
KeenEye88: Bright Day
pollydrake75: Asian Elephant
KeenEye88: Quaint
Nicolas Grignon: Heureuse
KeenEye88: Those Lazy Days of Summer
Nicolas Grignon: shooting the shooter
Nicolas Grignon: The New Jesus?