MDawny72: December on the waterfront is so beautiful!
MDawny72: Christmas Cheer
MDawny72: Christmas Cheer
MDawny72: 2020 Christmas - Cargo
MDawny72: 2020 Christmas - Cargo
MDawny72: Happy New Year! Here's to an amazing 2020!!!
MDawny72: Accidental Bokeh
MDawny72: Decorating Gingerbread Cookies
MDawny72: Decorating Gingerbread Cookies - Claire
MDawny72: Decorating Gingerbread Cookies - Hannah
MDawny72: And that's a wrap! Merry Christmas Flickrites!!
MDawny72: Fancy Dipped Pretzels
MDawny72: Having fun with Christmas gift giving!
MDawny72: A key for Santa
MDawny72: Night at the Pantages Seeing A Charlie Brown Christmas live. So fun!!
MDawny72: Night at the Pantages Seeing A Charlie Brown Christmas live. So fun!!
MDawny72: Night at the Pantages Seeing A Charlie Brown Christmas live. So fun!!
MDawny72: Night at the Pantages Seeing A Charlie Brown Christmas live. So fun!!
MDawny72: Christmas Reflection
47604: christmas reindeer
MDawny72: Happy Valentine's Day weekend
MDawny72: Merry Christmas!
diana-flickr: diana dervishi photography
MDawny72: Baking Gingerbread 7/ 25
MDawny72: Merry Christmas Flickr! May your days be merry, bright and full of fun click'n moments!!
MDawny72: To good friends and yummy mimosas!
MDawny72: Fruit plate anyone?
MDawny72: Brown Sugar & Olive Oil Scrub 3 Tbles Brown Sugar 1 Tbles Olive Oil Mix & keep in glass, lidded, jar. For lips, use small amount of scrub, rinse and follow with your favorite lip balm. For hands or feet, use small amount of scrub, rinse, use lotion.
MDawny72: Creative Christmas Decor
MDawny72: Brunch Buffet