.......C@SE !: (On explore) Impressive cumulonimbus reflection on my car roof
.......C@SE !: Rural Scene with Church Bridge and Fence
.......C@SE !: A solitary, unoccupied bench. Silence and beauty united.
.......C@SE !: Tree by the Water's Edge
.......C@SE !: (On explore) Waterland Gate
.......C@SE !: Vinkeveen Bosdijk: Dutch winter scenery
Super Bock.: NS 1005 Mijdrecht 28 oktober 1982
piet van den berg: Kromme Mijdrecht
.......C@SE !: "Relaxed Captain: Cruising the Vinkeveense Plassen with Style"
.......C@SE !: (on explore) A barrel as a buoy. Vinkeveense Plassen, The Netherlands
.......C@SE !: starteiland Vinkeveense Plassen
.......C@SE !: Vinkeveense plassen, The Netherlands
.......C@SE !: ( on explore);Vinkeveen Netherlands "Endearing Encounter of Eras: Old Drawbridge, Boat, and Majestic Tree"
Super Bock.: NS 2420 Vinkeveen 29 mei 1986
Super Bock.: NS 2518 - 2212 Vinkeveen 1984
Super Bock.: NS 2432 Mijdrecht 19 april 1982
Super Bock.: NS 2457 Vinkeveen 10 januari 1986
Super Bock.: NS 271 + 80 84 978 2 504, 2320 Mijdrecht 2 mei 1985
piet van den berg: Sunset - 17.2-18:25
Picture Whisperer Jan v Veen Photography: My dear cat maartje in psychedelic colours.
WoutervanKootwijk: Great Egret
WoutervanKootwijk: Summer evening in Vinkeveen
WoutervanKootwijk: Dutch nature