cwshields: pups of penzance
cwshields: pups of penzance
cwshields: tail end Charlie
cwshields: another ladder to climb
cwshields: at the top
cwshields: ladder number 1
cwshields: she's got her eyes on you
cwshields: baby bear wants to help clean
tarafarah: Lumi & Valo
cwshields: love
olivier 63: Gaya & the flowers
olivier 63: in olive field
cwshields: bear, the big mutt
cwshields: Old man Chico
cwshields: Shay smiling for the camera
cwshields: warm grass is good
cwshields: chico baby
cwshields: shay baby
cwshields: we were framed
cwshields: chico on blue
cwshields: Odin
cwshields: best buddies
cwshields: such a lady
cwshields: She's got legs and knows how to use them
cwshields: turned to stone 1
cwshields: shay
cwshields: chico
cwshields: snuggle into warm clothes fresh out of the dryer
cwshields: haflinger horse loving it in Mich
cwshields: sit preety