Jaroslaw Jozef: DSCN8844 patriot knick-knacks
Jaroslaw Jozef: DSCN9007 beautiful commemoration
Jaroslaw Jozef: DSCN9000 Major Pawel Joks
Jaroslaw Jozef: DSCN9343 bulletproof
Jaroslaw Jozef: DSCN8900 peace-loving
Gaizka Untzueta: Napoli II
koninapetrou: When you re forced to keep a distance form the world around you, a book is an open window to places where touching and closeness is still safe..
inesbeatriz: Casa de Santana
inesbeatriz: Pico Areeiro
inesbeatriz: Admiring Pompeii
inesbeatriz: Peaceful Pompeii
inesbeatriz: Pompeii, Naples
inesbeatriz: Ancient Theater
inesbeatriz: Enguia-de-jardim (Gorgasia preclara)
inesbeatriz: Rela-morango-venenosa (Oophaga pumilio)
inesbeatriz: Rela cinzenta (Hyla versicolor)
inesbeatriz: Urtiga do mar (Chrysaora quinquecirrha)
inesbeatriz: Manta (Mobula mobular)
inesbeatriz: Portrait
inesbeatriz: Praia do Carvoeiro
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Sheep River Falls
inesbeatriz: Cold Puppy
koninapetrou: Layers of solidity
koninapetrou: Nature elements cocktail
koninapetrou: Sunrise shadows
inesbeatriz: Castle of Castro Marim
inesbeatriz: FrogDog
George@Sparta: They used to be green...
inesbeatriz: It's hot today