Arkadiusz Sikorski: Beata Stanek / Gorzów Wielkopolski
MFMinn: My cat has the right idea (better crop)
MFMinn: Polar bear plunge
MFMinn: Random sepiazation
Light Painted Cornwall: Carn Brea Monument Light Paint - HDR
MFMinn: On the lake
MFMinn: Elephant
MFMinn: Tower
MFMinn: Les boys
MFMinn: Ketchikan's constant rain is unkind to its wooden buildings
MFMinn: Fox
MFMinn: Line to see Obama
MFMinn: Line to see Obama
MFMinn: On the jumbo screen
MFMinn: As far as she's ever been from home
MFMinn: Minnesota from the air
MFMinn: Craig and Steve
MFMinn: Pet exercise
b.campbell65: Sunrise at Buck Island
H.D. Osorno: Trouble in Paradise?
floato: Water Feature
Esther Kluth: Municipal Beach
ZhuToTo: Water-Cube
ZhuToTo: 2oo8
ZhuToTo: Muraille
ZhuToTo: Jing Jing
ZhuToTo: Jamaique 4*100m
ZhuToTo: Nid d'oiseau
MFMinn: About to reboard in Victoria
Smiley Man with a Hat: arranging the pieces together