dfuster74: walking
dfuster74: introduction to niemeyer
dfuster74: family
dfuster74: willing to start
dfuster74: bench
dfuster74: japonisms in b&w (4)
dfuster74: through my window 442
dfuster74: looking at (the sea)
dfuster74: through my window 271
[noone]: [autumn leaves] ˚˚
[noone]: [autumn leaves]
AuroraSogna88: Prospettive illusorie
AuroraSogna88: Morbido planare tra correnti instabili, con i miei mostri buoni
dfuster74: in front of (2)
[noone]: [the loneliness of a tower crane driver]
[noone]: [climbing up the walls]
[noone]: [you spin me round] oo
[noone]: [you spin me round] o
[noone]: [you spin me round] º
[noone]: [you spin me round] ºº
[noone]: [he got game] ☆☆☆
[noone]: [he got game] ☆☆
[noone]: [he got game] ☆
[noone]: [bodysnatchers] ##
[noone]: [bodysnatchers] #
[noone]: [mother]