Philippe Phaure: Ilford Delta 100
Lutz0310: Frühlingsgruß
kodl68: spiders world
James E. Petts: Raindrops on Japanese Maple
Philippe Phaure: Couleurs et gouttelettes
kodl68: spring is coming
Philippe Phaure: La brindille de couleurs
kodl68: spring beauty
themikebentley: Pondering His Day
kodl68: white target
Philippe Phaure: XPRO2108
Philippe Phaure: Bokeh Flowers
themikebentley: Look Through the Branches
Philippe Phaure: The red box
Nathan_Arrington: Peace Garden 97
kodl68: dependence
Philippe Phaure: XPRO2078
Lutz0310: Spätnachmittag a. d. Land
James E. Petts: Christmas presents
James E. Petts: Christmas star
kodl68: dream
Philippe Phaure: 7artisans35f1.2
Mohamed H Mohamed: S5 Pro Pentacon 50mm 1.8