Carlos Franco Beltran: M101_2024_esprit_duo_nofiltros_triband_redstars
Carballada: Propeller Nebula Simeis 57 (DWB 111)
enoiro@91: NGC 4565 integraded copia
Stephen Apple: The Seagull Nebula IC 2177
Guillaume Auberget: Eclipse totale du 8 avril 2024
Rejean Lemay Photography: Come on! Folks | Fauxtography _____ _SZN6844-7051-Enhanced-NR-1B 50
Carlos Franco Beltran: M81_M82_NGC3077_Esprit_2600duo_rgb_2024 _v2
Rejean Lemay Photography: 2024 Total Solar Eclipse | Diamond Ring & Prominences ____SZN7042-Enhanced-NR-1-1 copy
Stephen Apple: A Distant Galaxy, a Sleepy Night, and a Small Telescope
Stephen Apple: Abell 1656 A String of Over 1,000 Galaxies 321 MLY Away
Carballada: California Nebula (NGC 1499/Sh2-220) widefield
Roman's astrophotography: SN 2024gy in NGC 4216
richard_konrad: M42, The Orion Nebula
SweeP_64: Voie lactée Moulin de Bénesse les Dax.
Rejean Lemay Photography: Skyward Gaze | ISS Moon Transit ______ VZN_3163.06 to 53 21_March 2024_ 00_18 h
EmArt baudry: Faites un voeu II - Make a wish II
vntggtrlvr: Solar Filter
ozzmozizz: Halpha
ozzmozizz: H-alpaSun
ozzmozizz: Sun in H-Alpha
richard_konrad: Tarantula Nebula
Carballada: Widefield of The Flying Bat & Squid Nebula in Cepheus (Sh2-129)
EmArt baudry: Jupiter et 3 satellites visibles vers le ciel d'ouest
enoiro@91: Duo Galassie Orsa Major copia
enoiro@91: M47 acromatico copia
Carballada: MWP 1 - The Methuselah Nebula (PK 080-10.1)
enoiro@91: B142& B143 copia