marlin harms: "The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks"
marlin harms: Northern Elephant Seal Bulls Dueling
marlin harms: Multiple Northern Elephant Seal Pups Nursing on One Mother
marlin harms: Young Northern Elephant Seal Weathering the Surf
marlin harms: Early Morning Sea of Seals
marlin harms: Very Young Northern Elephant Seal Pup Scratching
marlin harms: Young Northern Elephant Seal Looking up From Nursing
marlin harms: Northern Elephant Seal Young Pup Calling
puliarf: Southern Elephant Seal
umang0506: Clash of the Titans
hema_gvk: Elephant Seals
agruebl: Northern Elephant Seals
George Wilkinson: Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris)
G Dan Mitchell: Napping Elephant Seals
G Dan Mitchell: Elephant Seals, Point Piedras Blancas
G Dan Mitchell: Elephant Seals and Blue Water
G Dan Mitchell: Elephant Seal Nursery
G Dan Mitchell: Elephant Seal Vocalizing
phoca2004: Northern Elephant Seals
phoca2004: Northern Elephant Seals
phoca2004: Northern Elephant Seals
phoca2004: Northern Elephant Seals
phoca2004: Northern Elephant Seals
Aron Cooperman: ElephantSeals_140329-2
Aron Cooperman: ElephantSeals_140329-4
Aron Cooperman: ElephantSeals_140329
Aron Cooperman: ElephantSeals_140329-3
Sonora Guy: Daylight Savings Sucks.
Sonora Guy: Two bull elephant seals have a bit of a disagreement.
Sonora Guy: Kilroy was here!