ctadventures2005: Greater Scaup male
ctadventures2005: Golden - Crowned Sparrow on sunflower stem
ctadventures2005: Female Hooded Merganser with hammerhead crest out - (Lophodytes cucullatus)
ctadventures2005: Male Eurasian Wigeon preening feathers
ctadventures2005: Juvenile & Adult Snow Geese
ctadventures2005: Butt picture
w12x40: Squirrels, Election Day
ctadventures2005: Black Capped Chickadee on Sunflower
ctadventures2005: Marsh Wren
ctadventures2005: Black - Capped Chickadee
ctadventures2005: Immature Bald Eagle
ctadventures2005: Savannah Sparrow with moth in beak
ctadventures2005: American Goldfinch male
ctadventures2005: Mink on log
ctadventures2005: Coyote on the run
ctadventures2005: Spotted Towhee and Rufous Hummingbird
ctadventures2005: Northern Harrier female
ctadventures2005: California Quail - male
ctadventures2005: Bull Elks
ctadventures2005: #6803 -Bugling Bull Elk
ctadventures2005: Chestnut - backed Chickadee
ctadventures2005: #6099 Horned Lark
ctadventures2005: Marsh Wren calling
ctadventures2005: White-Crowned Sparrow
ctadventures2005: Black - Capped Chickadee with seed
ctadventures2005: Female Mallard in low setting sunlight
ctadventures2005: #4844 - Coopers Hawk
ctadventures2005: Male King Fisher resting on pine tree top
ctadventures2005: Savannah Sparrow singing