misslissa13: 95.365 life* some assembly required
{{ Αγάπη }}: "WHAT IS ENVY TO YOU"
MadRussianPhotography: Day 61 - The identity you think you are does not exist.
auspices: exit
ja | castillo: 365 : 335 [it's all copacetic]
Infinite Monkeys: Speaking of Love
jennie Zed: my favorite word at that moment
Sheri is Ridiculous: Procrastination. Day 307.
mari.cota: Saudade - Week 6/52
just.K: ~* I'm speechless, so I'll show you how I feel*~
dosgatos77478: 183.365 - My favorite word
Lucky-V: 365::205 words to live by
Sonriendo: 125/365 Gi'e us a kiss
UM Sizzle: 181/365 - Doppelgänger
IvaYaneva: 158/365 Eat this
☆ Tabrel: 144/365_2008.11[Nov].30
JazziPhoto: Day 171 fuck.
Jennoit: 18/52: A Year of Sundays
that edit girl: Epiphany
Leeni!: (112/365) My favorite word?
windelbo: 202/365 - Favorite Words
lindsaymacdougall: 6-365 : my favorite word
miriness: Day 109 - If you say my name I no longer exist, who am I ?
Nikki-Dee: 45/365 - That's a mouthful
davidgano: 335 of 366
camillesau: "Who you are thunders so loud I can't hear what you say" Emerson
Daniel Conway: My Favorite Word
Dave77459: My Favourite Word: Schlimbesserung