_chrisUK: Year 2000 Compliant Technology
ericpeace: Y2K 241299
Traveler 999: Mike with Y2K Hat
squishythings: 11/14/11
kevincrumbs: Year 2000 compliance
TWHansen: My personalized plate. It's a 2000 model. Get it?
adanisherrorcollector: US Jesus Christ Y2K medallion
roberthunt1987: What everyone should know about the Millennium Bug
roberthunt1987: What everyone should know about the Millennium Bug
Katrinas Toy Channel: y2k plush toy
Katrinas Toy Channel: Y2K millenium bug
NW: Y2K United front
mudsharkalex: IMG_7582
A Piece of Kin: Y2K error cup and iPhone
ecajoe: Fujifilm FP-100c Instant Colour Film
Kim Still: Welcome
jessicagreen0202: Blackout The Y2K Bear #2334
jessicagreen0202: Crash The Y2K Bear #04568
Coleccionando Camaras: 1999: KODAK PICTURE THE MILLENIUM-LIMITED EDITION. Eastman Kodak Company. Rochester-NY. USA
Archmage01: Boring Y2K do on Yarra River, Melbourne 2000
CameronSandage: Bug_Sandage
CameronSandage: Panic_Op1_Sandage
CameronSandage: Cameron_Sandage_3
CameronSandage: Sandage_Syntax_2
Librarianguish: Yay, Y2K!
Gary Dunaier: Unique First Day Cover spanning two millennia
Wampa-One: How to Survive the Coming Economic Collapse and War booklet cover_img912