Pizza_Photographer: Sniffing the flowers
Vandré Fraga: Vida dura | Hard life
valkiribocou: Dis, c'est quoi la nature? ;)
valkiribocou: Sunny sniffing nature
Days of love: mon ami
Days of love: serious cat
Days of love: gimme back my basket!
Days of love: joli le voleur
gilloogo: My cat
Days of love: SLURP!
Days of love: carmelino giardiniere
gilloogo: My cat
Days of love: carmelino
kalima2006: gatitos jugando
Days of love: he doesn't like roses
jaderenee: Pip & the Marigolds
Huan Gomes: gato_na_arvore
Coughing Up Hairballs: Flax plus cat
Days of love: carmelino 2
Days of love: carmelino - explore #48 (thanks for + 800.000 views!)
Benissiva Calling: Temporary shelter / Refugio temporario
mercedesmelis: Annibale tra i fiori
mercedesmelis: Leonida <3
meowhous the iconoclast: Booster, apprehensive
Benissiva Calling: Finished - you can clear the table ! / Gracias, yà he terminado la comida !
CapturedByCoral: IMG_1809
CapturedByCoral: IMG_1767
gilloogo: My cat
Days of love: les yeux tout bas