photolibrarian: Marble, Colorado, Block of Marble, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
photolibrarian: Marble, Colorado, Colorado Yule Marble Company, Mill Site
berrywine: Marble, Colorado
berrywine: Marble Mining
berrywine: Marble Mine 2
berrywine: Foundation Works 4
berrywine: Marble Wall
berrywine: Marble Wall 3
berrywine: Marble Wall 2
berrywine: Marble Mine
berrywine: Marble Mine 3
berrywine: Foundation Works
chairmtn: Lincoln Memorial
chairmtn: Lincoln Memorial
Miss Kellie Keene: Doorway to the Past
Miss Kellie Keene: Mountain Aglow
Miss Kellie Keene: Beaver Lake
TheCapriciousMuse: Marble + Aspen
TheCapriciousMuse: untitled-0842
TheCapriciousMuse: Reflection
TheCapriciousMuse: untitled-0930
brethour2: DSC_0503
brethour2: DSC_0739
brethour2: DSC_0576_2
Art In Time: Chair Mountain
Art In Time: Diner on way to Marble
Art In Time: White on mountainside not snow but marble
Art In Time: Coming down Schofield Pass Rd.
Art In Time: Fishing pond in Marble
dream2451: SDC19885a