Karamela~Sori: (̅_̅_̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅()ڪے
Karamela~Sori: ty my best friend Kmb soo beauty <3
Karamela~Sori: ....menim ki ümidim sene idi yanliz, quruyubmu agzında dil göyerçin .......
Karamela~Sori: Hello , from the other side ....
Karamela~Sori: Happy Hallowen ♥
Briona Flatley: Petrified
gogolita: La Reve
Egidius Eel: To have and not to hold
Annalisa Shepherd: We are spirits in the material world
Ravenelle: Because I adore you so
The Brie™: in the shadow...
The Brie™: newest at la reve
Shannara Akina: La Rêve
minxarashi: Blue Water
auroraautopoiesis: And Who are You???
Katzenjammer Criss: O U T S I D E R
Katzenjammer Criss: M E T H O D
Katzenjammer Criss: O V E R G R O U N D
Katzenjammer Criss: S P L I N T E R
Katzenjammer Criss: T H I S : F A I R : M O U R N
Emerson Sautereau: Spring Haze
Emerson Sautereau: Two Suns in the Sunset