chromaticdaydreams: Polaroidweek 5/1: „Ellipsis“ (beautiful Mare Cirko shot with Mint Camera SLR670s on Polaroid 600 film)
GOO ROT ☾: the hypervigilant gardener
Estrella Marr: Afternoon at the flowery garden Polaroid Week: Day 5 - 1
GOO ROT ☾: spring roid week day v/ii
GOO ROT ☾: spring roid week day v/i
chromaticdaydreams: Polaroidweek 4/2: „Unknown To The I“ (beautiful Mare Cirko shot with Mint Camera SLR670s on Polaroid 600 film)
Ray Liu Photography: Everything wrong that is right
Kasukabe Vision FILMz✔: 秋田長家酒場
Kasukabe Vision FILMz✔: 秋田市民市場
Kasukabe Vision FILMz✔: Cafe 赤居文庫
Kasukabe Vision FILMz✔: 大館曲げわっぱ "Mage Wappa"
Kasukabe Vision FILMz✔: "Hatchi the AKITA" 望郷のハチ公
Kasukabe Vision FILMz✔: Traditional Warehouse
Kasukabe Vision FILMz✔: welcome to AKITA
chromaticdaydreams: Polaroidweek 4/1: „Behind The Wall“ (beautiful Mare Cirko shot with Mint Camera SLR670s on Polaroid 600 film)
PolaBob: Marsh Marigolds - 1
GOO ROT ☾: spring roid week day iv/ii
Northwoods Apparition: Olympus 35 RC (1970)
GOO ROT ☾: spring roid week day iv/i
chromaticdaydreams: Polaroidweek 3/2: „Autre Temps“ (beautiful Elif shot with Polaroid I-2 on Polaroid iType film)
PolaBob: I Can't Swim!
GOO ROT ☾: touch the sore spots of the earth
chromaticdaydreams: Polaroidweek 3/1: „Ciel Errant“ (beautiful Elif shot with Polaroid I-2 on Polaroid iType film)
GOO ROT ☾: pax id ent