/\/\ichael Patric|{: closed trail near the Marina, Berkeley, December 23, 2007
cowboycoffee: Ocean Beach 1
cowboycoffee: Ocean Beach 4
cowboycoffee: Ocean Beach 7
cowboycoffee: Ocean Beach 13
cowboycoffee: Ocean Beach 2
cowboycoffee: Ocean Beach 18
TechnoMonk: Blackened
tjayfowler: Helicopter, SF Bay Oil Spill
Scott Haefner: Wounded
Scott Haefner: Moon over Cosco Busan
Scott Haefner: Almost Patched
Jef Poskanzer: CAUTION
thisissue: clean up crew...
Ingrid Taylar: San Francisco Oil Spill - Closed Beaches
shugyou: more spilled oil
Sammy68-: Bio-Barrier
MrMcCombe: Toxins in my bay
angela7dreams: oil on the rock
angela7dreams: oil spill on the rocks
jagerm: Gross
jagerm: The boat from a distance.
jagerm: Some of the wood left from the protective barrier of the bay bridge.
jagerm: You'd think we could design a better boat.
su1droot: _MG_0692
SheffieldStar: beginning the process
SheffieldStar: spoiler
SheffieldStar: Pass it on
SheffieldStar: sanding
SheffieldStar: Oil gophers