helen_rapozo: Flight #1
helen_rapozo: What I flew
Merkwürdiglieben: Berthas IMG_5274 transp
helen_rapozo: One collection of rockets
helen_rapozo: Jolly Logic Altimeter One
helen_rapozo: Firestorm on the ground
helen_rapozo: Firestorm about to be launched
helen_rapozo: Firestorm on the pad
helen_rapozo: Launch pads
helen_rapozo: Sizzler on the pad
AA9UC: Re-entry failure
helen_rapozo: Flight #6 - Graduator
helen_rapozo: Aftermath of flight #4
helen_rapozo: Flight #4 - Big Bertha
helen_rapozo: Aftermath of flight #3
helen_rapozo: Flight #3 - Big Bertha
helen_rapozo: Aftermath of flight #2
helen_rapozo: Rockets that I brought for this launch
AA9UC: Rocket 7 051421
AA9UC: Rocket 8 051421
AA9UC: Rocket 6 51421
AA9UC: Rocket 3 51421
AA9UC: Rocket 1 51421
AA9UC: Rocket 2 51421
AA9UC: Rocket 5 51421
AA9UC: Rocket 4 51421
AA9UC: Estes Astrocam
AA9UC: Estes Astrocam
AA9UC: Astrocam 3
AA9UC: Astrocam 2