pero1961: Netti, - She is blind in her right eye.
simone peters: DSC_0554
pero1961: Cats Christmas
pero1961: the cat's favorite place
Joanna Muthos: IMG_1551
pero1961: My blind cat Tiger
Tjflex2: Rugrat
Tjflex2: Rugrat
Tjflex2: Mom and the bunnies
Joanna Muthos: Portrait
pero1961: My blind Cat "Tiger"
pero1961: Tiger
Shastajak: Lily
pero1961: Tigerchen
Tjflex2: Rugrat (RIP)
simone peters: Tigerchen
Shastajak: Cushion Stealer
Shastajak: See Eye to Eye
Jon Kirkham: Mini Molly
Jon Kirkham: Peek A Boomer & Molly
Jon Kirkham: Sunlit Tortie
*Starbuck*: a heartbreaking and unexpected farewell
Shastajak: Sunbathing