talourcera: Photography....
Count_Strad: DSC00042a
Count_Strad: DSC00047a
Count_Strad: DSC06023
Count_Strad: DSC05899
photo fiddler: Roadside Wildflowers Along NS Route 333
Count_Strad: DSC02784
Count_Strad: DSC06364
Count_Strad: DSC06355
Count_Strad: DSC06339
photo fiddler: Wild Mustard Down by the Riverside
talourcera: The eye — La mirada
photo fiddler: First Blossoms of 2023
Bernard Spragg: Russel lupins.
DaveCzGrLk: Bluejacket - Tradescantia ohiensis - Commelinaceae: Spiderwort family
DaveCzGrLk: Orange Hawkweed - Hieracium aurantiacum - Asteraceae: Aster or Daisy family
DaveCzGrLk: Common Flax- Linum usitatissimum - Linaceae: Flax family
Count_Strad: Flower_Livonia-MI_07-16-2022
Count_Strad: Test_Livonia-MI_11-16-2022e
Count_Strad: Test_Livonia-MI_11-16-2022f
DaveCzGrLk: Hairy Vetch - Vicia villosa - Fabaceae: Bean, Pea Family
photo fiddler: Roadside Asters
photo fiddler: Hawkweed in Roadside Grass
photo fiddler: Bedstraw Growing on the Roadside
photo fiddler: Wild Geraniums
photo fiddler: Pineapple Weed Ready to Bloom
DaveCzGrLk: Pineapple-weed - Matricaria discoidea - Asteraceae: Aster or Daisy family
photo fiddler: Roadside Grass Bush
photo fiddler: Roadside Eyebright