Dawit - ዳዊት: Hirna, Ethiopia - Carrying Water
Dawit - ዳዊት: Hirna, Ethiopia - Where I spent 2 years as a teacher in the Peace Corps from '73-'75.
czono@o2.pl: African roads..
czono@o2.pl: Ethiopia..
jacgroumo: ETHIOPIE BAHAR DAR 2005
Sue MacCallum-Stewart: Portrait from deep in the Omo Valley
Ninara: Entoto Hill, Addis Abeba
Ninara: Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
domingo leiva: Epiphany, Lalibela, Ethiopia
domingo leiva: St. George Church in Lalibela Ethiopia
domingo leiva: Ceremonia del Tinkat, Lalibela, Ethiopia
czono@o2.pl: the best coffee in the world
jacgroumo: ETHIOPIE KEY AFAR Boucliers Hamer
jacgroumo: ETHIOPIE KEY AFAR Instruments de musique Hamer
jacgroumo: ETHIOPIE BATI Marché au bétail
jacgroumo: ETHIOPIE TIGRE 2005
jacgroumo: ETHIOPIE AKSUM 2005
jacgroumo: ETHIOPIE DIRE DAWA 2005
jacgroumo: ETHIOPIE MEGAB Moisson du teff
LaguardiaBrian: Gondar Coffee Shop 1a
LaguardiaBrian: Gondar Tuktuks 1a
LaguardiaBrian: Sheppards in Gondar 1a
LaguardiaBrian: Young Shoeshiner 1a
LaguardiaBrian: Young Shoeshiner 2a
LaguardiaBrian: Light on Children in Gondar 1a
LaguardiaBrian: Morning Sunshine 1a
LaguardiaBrian: Early Morning Gondar 1a
jacgroumo: ETHIOPIE HARAR 2005