christianmeichtry: Christmas Eve at my brother's
Ed Walthaus: Van/voor Karin
spayn: Christmasbird
infinite.light: lechon cubano
hoofdweg: Selfportrait on staircase
Max Perrini alias IK7TOE: Christmas Table
NDeegan: Candy
* Ingrid *: Navidad
Tequila&Donuts: What's on the giveway table at my Mom's retirement center on Christmas Eve?
Tequila&Donuts: If you wear a flashing tree on your head, you've got to expect a middle aged woman to take your picture
Tequila&Donuts: I mean, wasn't one of the key points...?..oh.. nevermind
by_irma: Day before Christmas
hoofdweg: On his way to gold
Jenny!: I still see you
CeZaRr: brad de craciun atena
KAGoldberg: Garlic Eggplant at Da Lian
jefzila: my christmass tree
alida saxon: Caramel Corn
Max Perrini alias IK7TOE: Christmas Sweets - Particular
Max Perrini alias IK7TOE: Italian Christmas Sweets
Genesis Nieves: Merry Christmas, Flickr Pals!
majassis: grandma:) *
A. Subset: 20071224PICT8505-01
hoofdweg: Christmas eve in Amsterdam
eĻ„i: Christmas Eve.
Elenara Stein Leitão: Preparing the chester for Xmas night