snaphappysal: Stained glass window
snaphappysal: Do spiders see in colour?
snaphappysal: George Jones
snaphappysal: doorway
'John': white snowdrops .. blue sky ..
'John': snowdrops ..
'John': little hallingbury post office and shop .. the early days ..
'John': late afternoon sky ..
'John': the fields are turning green ..
'John': frosty morning ..
'John': rosa ..
'John': the teddy bear show ..
'John': history society open day ..
'John': the wonder of flowers ..
'John': fantastic sunrise ..
'John': the lock gates ..
'John': the river stort at hallingbury ..
'John': mel .. essex girl ..
'John': the village car park ..
'John': stort valley line ..
'John': the dawn of another day ..
'John': look into my eyes ..
'John': just having a think ..
'John': hello .. how are you ..
'John': please .. you are all too kind ..
'John': early morning walk ..
'John': 2009 .. panto .. rehearsal ..
'John': leaves by the pond ..
'John': village vc ..
'John': pride of the village ..