Silvia Ferrando: In praise of solitude
Silvia Ferrando: Only the way - only the means
Silvia Ferrando: On my index finger the Caspian Sea isn't landlocked
Silvia Ferrando: December 7th
Duccio Pugliese (BrebFilm): Trieste, Bagno Ausonia
Christian Lagat: Stella e Luna
Christian Lagat: Loin du Mexique
Morton1905: 7884 MuzBarc Alessandro Schroeder, Presidente della Canottieri “Adria”, fine ‘800 Alessandro Schroeder, President of the "Adria" rowers, end of '800 ; 2018 S 2877 Barcolana _092
Morton1905: 2018 S 2877 Barcolana _051 Rowing and “Adria” buildings nearby of the Lantern; Military (built on piles) and “Ciodin” baths are clearly visible early ‘900.
giuliano_sadar: Sala Tripcovich
giuliano_sadar: Capo di Piazza, Trieste
Silvia Ferrando: Nothing of the ordinary
Silvia Ferrando: We will sail at night