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Elizabeth Thomsen: Red Truck with Pumpkins
Elizabeth Thomsen: Colorful Tools on the Side of the Barn
Elizabeth Thomsen: Making Cider Doughnuts
Elizabeth Thomsen: Apple Pie Lesson
EricReed: IMG_4552
Elizabeth Thomsen: Big Old Tires at the Russell Orchards
Elizabeth Thomsen: Goose at Russell Orchards
Elizabeth Thomsen: Quiet Day at Russell Orchards
Elizabeth Thomsen: Old Gas Pump at Russell Orchards
stoneystone68: barn window at russell's orchard
EricReed: _MG_0331
EricReed: _MG_3167
Dean Ruben.: Creeper
Dean Ruben.: Musky duck in a tub.
Dean Ruben.: Big goose face.
Dean Ruben.: Apple time!
Dean Ruben.: Happy Horse
Dean Ruben.: Muscovy Glare
Dean Ruben.: Crazy Dude
Dean Ruben.: Hungry Duck
EricReed: _MG_0399-bw