contemporary embroidery: bullion knots on paper
contemporary embroidery: embroidery on paper
rustoleumlove: Progress - Detail (5/5)
rustoleumlove: Between Seasons Dress - In Progress 4/5
rustoleumlove: In Between Seasons Dress -- In Progress - 3/5
rustoleumlove: In Progress - 1/5
rustoleumlove: In Progress - 2/5
contemporary embroidery: embroidered pages continued
contemporary embroidery: enhancing an artist book, embroidered pages
contemporary embroidery: embroidery, a wrapping cloth
contemporary embroidery: white and patchwork, a new hand embroidered pouch
contemporary embroidery: gingham and vintage cloth
contemporary embroidery: Grandmother's flower garden
rustoleumlove: McCalls 7802 (version D)
joellesdolls: Winter Fairy Doll In Snowflake Dress
joellesdolls: Winter Fairy Doll In Snowflake Dress
rustoleumlove: McCalls 8370 Wool Boucle Jacket & Skirt
contemporary embroidery: embroidery on gingham, a wrapping cloth
contemporary embroidery: an embroidered throw, a wrapping cloth
contemporary embroidery: altering pages, surface design
contemporary embroidery: creating texture on paper
contemporary embroidery: new ideas, surface design
contemporary embroidery: stitched paper as an embellishment for surface design
contemporary embroidery: lace cloth, silk velvet and gingham patchwork
contemporary embroidery: two hoops and a design sheet
contemporary embroidery: notebook stitches
joellesdolls: Blond Girl Doll In Green Outfit
joellesdolls: Blond Girl Doll In Green Outfit
contemporary embroidery: notebook doodling