diffendale: Athenian Black Figure kylix (lip-cup) with swans and hortatory inscription
diffendale: Athenian Black Gloss kylix (cup) signed by Nikosthenes, 1
diffendale: Athenian Black Gloss kylix (cup) signed by Nikosthenes, 2
diffendale: Athenian Black Figure kylix (lip-cup) with a sphinx signed by Tleson
diffendale: Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi: stadion, 32
diffendale: Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi: stadion, 31
diffendale: Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi: stadion, 30
diffendale: Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi: stadion, 6
diffendale: Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi: stadion, 5
diffendale: Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi: stadion, 4
diffendale: Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi: stadion, 3
diffendale: Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi: stadion, 2
diffendale: Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi: stadion, 1
Sebastià Giralt: Mosaic, casa de la ciutat grega d'Empúries / House in the Greek city of Empúries
Andy Montgomery: Ostraka from the Archeological museum of the Kerameikos
diffendale: Roman funerary monument of an actor with Greek inscriptions
Andy Montgomery: Boundary marker of the agora - Piraeus Museum
diffendale: Athenian Red Figure pelike with musical victor, by the Pan Painter
diffendale: Albano Laziale: Santa Maria della Rotonda/Roman nymphaeum, 37
diffendale: Albano Laziale: Santa Maria della Rotonda/Roman nymphaeum, 35
diffendale: Late Corinthian krater with running maidens, from Timmari, 1
diffendale: Bronze plaque with Greek inscription recording gifts to a sanctuary, probably Athena
Anita363: Architrave inscription, Temple of Roma and Augustus
Anita363: Inscription
dimitar.illiev: Funerary stele of Zosimus - inscription
dimitar.illiev: Funerary stele of Lysandra - inscription
dimitar.illiev: Funerary stele of Lysandra
dimitar.illiev: Funerary stele of Zosimus
Nick in exsilio: Plate showing Menelaus and Hector fighting over the body of Euphorbus
Nick in exsilio: Red-figured plate with an archer