nrg_crisis: Escapism XXXVI: Bar The Windows
The Real Frank Lynch: My Favorite Alley
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXXV: Compare Our Prices
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXXIV: Side Hustle
Manhattan Girl: memories...
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXXIII: An Impenetrable Maze
sstavsky: Flag and Flamingo
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXXII: Hidden Agenda
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXXI: Raised Eyebrows
Manhattan Girl: While I am a total downtown girl, I can appreciate the architecture of the upper east side
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXX: There Is No Escape
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXIX: The Shadow Knows
Manhattan Girl: 5 o'clock shadows
The Real Frank Lynch: Wings 3 Ways
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXVIII: Fancy-Schmancy
Manhattan Girl: where the branches end
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXVII: Hidden Messages
Manhattan Girl: shadow division
The Real Frank Lynch: Harass Yourself With Useful Curiosity
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXVI: Lines And Curves
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXV: Z
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXIV: Curlicues
nrg_crisis: Escapism XXIII: O’Hara’s Pub
nrg_crisis: Escapism XX: A Real Setback
Manhattan Girl: conversation in the middle of the street
Manhattan Girl: walking Christopher St.
sstavsky: White Fire Escapes on Amsterdam Avenue
doug turetsky: Nightscape
The Real Frank Lynch: Take Me In Your Arms