Graygeek2019: 2018-03-29_07-04-44
Ollie girl: BOTTOMs UP! That's this Feathery Friday's Focus!
Ollie girl: Ah, romance...
Ollie girl: Golf Pro...
Ollie girl: HAPPY FEATHERY FRIDAY! Are ya ready? Let's Go!
Ollie girl: Insect Control! Snake! Texas Brown Snake
Ollie girl: Ollie in her childhood
Ollie girl: Happy FAT Tuesday! (Fat Tuesday Bun and Double espresso!)
Ollie girl: Diva does feathers... (darn split ends!)
Ollie girl: One bird, one hand~ works great! (#1 of 3 today...)
Ollie girl: Two birds, one hand ~ BAD!
Ollie girl: Somebody loves me...
Ollie girl: Happy Valentine's Day ~ It all about BIRDS! ~ It's OK. You can look at the large size!
Ollie girl: New bird play station ("Parrot-Toys and Play Areas." book had the plans.)
Ollie girl: Stretch, Yawn, Blurrrrrrrr
Ollie girl: No! I won't come out!!!
Ollie girl: Spider hole in a field (closer) May be "HOBO" spider
Ollie girl: Bobby Sprouts!
Ollie girl: Parrots get to go bye-bye now!
Ollie girl: Ollie LOVES her backpack!
Ollie girl: They're all gone now. Riffle family migrating in 1924 to New York
Ollie girl: More Moo!
Ollie girl: Mooooooooooo!
Ollie girl: Bird bathing in fountain (#1 of 3 shots today)
Ollie girl: Candy cane filled with dates (& 2 made with cherry filling)
Ollie girl: Happy Christmas! (Best viewed large!)
Ollie girl: Falling morning moon
Automatt: diacope