j.imac: Top dog
Samuel Thompson: Above Moulin Huet
DHLake: Birdie Cat playing
chicos54: Schnauzer nain
alanpeacock2: Harvey
Samuel Thompson: Edie, one of my mini snauzers
DHLake: Gleason Park Pier
Samuel Thompson: Rosie and Edie
Cheryl3001: Quincy trapped by bad bunny
DHLake: Birdie not too sure
Cheryl3001: Schnauzer Reflection
Cheryl3001: Oscar & Quincy AI fun
Samuel Thompson: On the run
Cheryl3001: Oscar Valentine
Cheryl3001: Quincy Valentine
Cheryl3001: Oscar - lens baby
Cheryl3001: Quincy - lens baby
Cheryl3001: Quincy & fairy lights
Samuel Thompson: Edie and Rosie
Samuel Thompson: The stand off
Samuel Thompson: Rosie and Edie
Samuel Thompson: South Coast cliffs
Cheryl3001: Quincy
Cheryl3001: Oscar - Explored
DHLake: Birdie Treat Search
Samuel Thompson: Rosie and Edie
Cheryl3001: Oscar
Cheryl3001: Quincy & Oscar