GillyB15: More Sewing
Noddyna: Ichigo, my Odekake Kimono Musume from Akihabara ❤️
Pepita Parker: Yuuki, Greta & Fantasio
Zá ♥: Kim ☂
Zá ♥: Kim e os feijões. Nada a ver, mas a foto ficou boa rsrs
StillPlaysWithDolls: "I shaved my legs for this taco party?"
StillPlaysWithDolls: Love the furry boots!
StillPlaysWithDolls: Finding the right shoes- hardest part of any outfit!
StillPlaysWithDolls: "That's my dress!"
StillPlaysWithDolls: Uggs go with everything
StillPlaysWithDolls: Decisions...
StillPlaysWithDolls: Boots and a sweater- July be damned!
StillPlaysWithDolls: Nothing to wear...
Zá ♥: É muita fofura junta!
Dollsville USA: Beryl, Queen of Scots
Hamster Hill: Rue Cuddled Up to Hoss
Hamster Hill: Rue Got To It First...
Zá ♥: Meowww!
Zá ♥: Ô coisinha trabalhosa!
Hamster Hill: Who is Coming to Tea?
Hamster Hill: Rue in Wonderland
Hamster Hill: Beautiful Rue
Hamster Hill: More Rue