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Stephen B. Whatley: Saint John The Baptist. 2021 by Stephen B. Whatley
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ganeshshenoy03: Optical Illusion - Can you spot Jesus?
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Stephen B. Whatley: Protection of Saint Ignatius - Tribute by Stephen B Whatley
ganeshshenoy03: Journey to Calvary
ganeshshenoy03: Lord Jesus on the cross
ganeshshenoy03: Jesus Christ
Stephen B. Whatley: St Peter The Rock. 2020 by Stephen B. Whatley
Stephen B. Whatley: Saint Vincent de Paul. 2019 by Stephen B. Whatley
Stephen B. Whatley: Saint John Baptist de La Salle. 2019 by Stephen B. Whatley
Stephen B. Whatley: The Epiphany by Stephen B. Whatley - Published January 2019
Stephen B. Whatley: Humility of Christmas by Artist Stephen B. Whatley. 2018