TJPsrl: Indiegogo
TJPsrl: Kickstarter VS Indiegogo
TJPsrl: What happens when an oil spill occurs?
TJPsrl: crowdfunding platforms
TJPsrl: Soon on Kickstarter!
TJPsrl: Kickstarter campaing
MooseNuggette: 20 Year Old Political Cartoon - Still Current
ron_toad: Scoop2
ron_toad: Scoop.JPG
ron_toad: Sand
ron_toad: Struggle.JPG
ron_toad: Scoterflap.JPG
ron_toad: Kayak.JPG
ron_toad: Scoter.JPG
ron_toad: Catch.JPG
ron_toad: Rescuers.JPG
ron_toad: IntoBox
ron_toad: Rescuer
ron_toad: Surf Scoter from Net.JPG
ron_toad: Surf Scoter, Net.JPG
ron_toad: Surfscoter
ron_toad: Scaup splash
Kevin Krejci: A Bird and a Plane in the Sky
Sammy68-: The Highly Over-Shadowed San Francisco Bay Bridge
Jamison Wieser: Remember the Cosco Busan
Michael Layefsky: Oil spill workers
Michael Layefsky: Oil spill workers
amedin75: wide view
jen_maiser: {110} oil on ocean beach
Glen Tepke: oiled Greater Scaup