ElijahChamberlain: Let's dance in the moonlight and forget the world exists
Marat Dakunin: Uruk Hai in the little Lion head
ElijahChamberlain: Choose what's good for your soul not your ego
ElijahChamberlain: The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire
♡ Evoluciya: 📷 STYLE IS ME 📷 682
ElijahChamberlain: The thing about books, they let you travel without moving your feet
MizzyRau: Wine Delight
MizzyRau: Chasing Dragons..
MizzyRau: Golden
ElijahChamberlain: I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it
ElijahChamberlain: There's nothing like the feeling of freedom that comes from hitting the open road in your favorite car
Wolf Braham of SL: "Blame it on the satellite that beams me home"
ElijahChamberlain: Confidence is the most seductive fragrance a man can wear
ElijahChamberlain: I surrender to the rhythm of your desires, letting them guide me into ecstasy
ElijahChamberlain: The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday
ElijahChamberlain: My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never
MizzyRau: Happy Valentines Day
♡ Evoluciya: 📷 STYLE IS ME 📷 661
ElijahChamberlain: Passion is the fire that burns within, fueling desire and igniting the senses with a seductive allure
ElijahChamberlain: Venice whispers tales of resilience, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, beauty can flourish
MizzyRau: Sparkle in my Eyes..
ElijahChamberlain: Champagne, a symbol of celebration and romance, as he eagerly anticipates her presence on Valentine's Day to fill the glasses and their hearts.
ElijahChamberlain: Passion fuels the flame, seduction weaves the spell—a potent alchemy in the dance of desire
MizzyRau: Some Nights ..