Ricardus Hemertius: Frank Boeijen
Ricardus Hemertius: Hooverphonic
toolbox counsellor: Purple glove
toolbox counsellor: I wonder why this was left here in the Underpass? Glass panels on all 4 sides!
toolbox counsellor: Hidden in dense hedgerow.
toolbox counsellor: A very "bright' lost hat!
toolbox counsellor: Shame to be thrown away in the woods!
Ricardus Hemertius: Manchester
Ricardus Hemertius: Manchester
toolbox counsellor: Lost and found!
toolbox counsellor: Lost souls!!!
toolbox counsellor: left at a bus stop!
toolbox counsellor: Day 3 of art challenge
toolbox counsellor: lost glove with hole
wheresaddie: A change has to occur, but changes don't just occur like that, they have to be made.