Frayed-Knot: Britain's Most Easterly Death-trap - enjoy your visit.
Frayed-Knot: Oh, really?
Frayed-Knot: Classy
Frayed-Knot: Because it's Mine and I Can!
everdred: 2016's rubbish
afwrite: I'll tell you when you're older...
Fergal Bolger: The Chase
Fergal Bolger: End of the line
Fergal Bolger: Bloody Index
afwrite: Willy Supper
mdid: Foot Pee!
mdid: Sign at Paignton Zoo
mdid: Wet Tissues...
mdid: Easy Cocking Note
mdid: Clint Mansell
PhotoMasterGreg: Sad Statement™: One tough balloon
Dh VanZanT: Stained Brick Window?™: Winner of the spelling trifecta
Dh VanZanT: Sport Balls?
~ Liberty Images: Pittsburgh's Not-So-Latent Racism, I Guess
Fiver13: Marketing GENIUS
Tsewang K.: crack free
Tsewang K.: sweet mofo!
Stevesworldofphotos: Smart Reefer
Stevesworldofphotos: Anti Monkey Butt Powder
littlebunnyfoo: "Coffee's right under the fox killing the pheasant."
mdid: Labia