Audrey R. Smith (NatureQuest): Ruby-throated Hummingbird_6844
Audrey R. Smith (NatureQuest): Fledgling Mourning Doves_6545
Audrey R. Smith (NatureQuest): Burrowing Owl in Black and White 1080
Audrey R. Smith (NatureQuest): Black Skimmer 9492
Audrey R. Smith (NatureQuest): Ruddy Turnstone 9643
Audrey R. Smith (NatureQuest): Eastern Narrow-mouth Toad 6390-2
Audrey R. Smith (NatureQuest): Eastern Narrow-mouth Toad 6381 rev
Audrey R. Smith (NatureQuest): Spotted Eagle Ray and Friend 602 (2)
Audrey R. Smith (NatureQuest): Eastern Narrow-mouth Toad 6390
Audrey R. Smith (NatureQuest): Giant Anteater 3050-2