Photogeraphar 0345-3333888: Pakistan Karachi Zoo sajjad.cdgk
Erika Hall: ....and whither the bi-polar bears?
gordasm: Coffee v. Tea v. Me
Erika Hall: Down, but still ahead
David McCreath: Itchy vs. Scratchy
gordasm: Us v. Them
gordasm: Suits v. Dungarees
gordasm: David Lee Roth v. Sammy Hagar
gordasm: Mary Ann v. Ginger
tlong: trendy
mathewh: Games vs.
gordasm: Butter v. Margarine
gordasm: 50 Cent v. Kanye West
gordasm: Pull Out v. Stay In
gordasm: Mission to Mars v. Red Planet
gordasm: Antz v. Bug's Life
gordasm: Wax v. Shave
gordasm: Louis CK v. Dane Cook (this is just wrong)
gordasm: Simpsons v. Family Guy
gordasm: Bush v. Hitler