weirdokay: self portrait(s) iphone 8 & 7+ taken w/my old 6+
weirdokay: self portrait
weirdokay: a visual representation of how i think by default (but constantly work to correct)
weirdokay: its foggy here
weirdokay: im trying to learn how to like myself for the first time in my life
SPartistries: Living With Depression
SPartistries: Living With Depression
SPartistries: Living With Depression
SPartistries: Living With Depression
SPartistries: Given Up
weirdokay: haircut
NIGHT X NIGHT Photography: Chris, what is it?
weirdokay: ive fallen in love w this small light cube
weirdokay: 04/05/17
weirdokay: blue diptych
Lena Rau: self portrait
Lena Rau: self portrait
weirdokay: b/w ♂⚧
NIGHT X NIGHT Photography: No Need To Come Back
Michelle Tuttle: Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks
NIGHT X NIGHT Photography: A Darkness Darker than Black