The Gidinski: a summer day at Cornell College
The Gidinski: King Chapel, Cornell College
mooshrimp: Sky Barn and Soybeans 2
The Gidinski: King Chapel
mooshrimp: Throwing Leaves
mooshrimp: Falling Leaves
mooshrimp: Dead Tree
mooshrimp: Cornfield
mooshrimp: In a Cornfield
mooshrimp: Fuzzy Caterpillar
mooshrimp: Prairie Grass
mooshrimp: Red Maple Leaves
mooshrimp: Abandoned Barn
mooshrimp: Footprint in Mud
mzarifkar: Cole Library Tilt Shift
mzarifkar: King Chapel
mzarifkar: Armstrong-Kimmel
mzarifkar: south hall
mzarifkar: college hall
mzarifkar: old sem
Mike Lommler: Air Guitar
Mike Lommler: Phantom of King Chapel (2)
Mike Lommler: Phantom of King Chapel
Mike Lommler: Back Lit
Mike Lommler: Popo Agie River at The Sinks, Wyoming
Mike Lommler: Clouds overlayed, an experiment
Clark Westfield: Say What?
Clark Westfield: Barack Obama at Cornell College
Clark Westfield: Barack Obama