patart00: Going up or coming down?
visol: Qui coneix aquest lloc? Quién conoce este lugar? Who knows this place?
Wen Actually.: Car mascot on a vintage Ford
Lumiago: El otoño y sus colores
chiamatemiena: Nave romana
Malcolm McGrath: Saltees Gannet
Wen Actually.: Listening to Beethoven in the rain
alxpn: 2017-11-09_08-23-40
#Laurannaphotos: Riflessi
alxpn: 20171009DSC_6080s
chiamatemiena: scolmatore
johey24: Fishing Village, Phu Quoc, Vietnam
johey24: Fishing Village, Phu Quoc, Vietnam
johey24: Fishing Village, Phu Quoc, Vietnam
johey24: Fishing Village, Phu Quoc, Vietnam
johey24: Fishing Village, Phu Quoc, Vietnam
johey24: Fishing Village, Phu Quoc, Vietnam
johey24: Fishing Village, Phu Quoc, Vietnam
johey24: Fishing Village, Phu Quoc, Vietnam
johey24: Kids of Vietnam 2/26
alxpn: 20161216-IMG_2
alxpn: 20161126-DSC_2050A
Lumiago: Tapear por Burgos ..
alxpn: 20161113-DSC_1873A
johey24: Taking a B&W look at one's life 1/15
johey24: Taking a B&W look at one's life 1/15
johey24: Exploring how rice paddies work around the Yangste Delta 1/8
johey24: Exploring how rice paddies work around the Yangste Delta 1/8
alxpn: Traffic accident. Both drivers have thought they are kings of road. One turned left and did not look back, the second one had very high speed in a town
Wen Actually.: Kuan Yin and blossoms